Truth, Justice, Liberty in a Pluri Anthropological World

  • Truth, Justice, Liberty in a Pluri Anthropological World

Truth, Justice, Liberty in a Pluri Anthropological World

Woke culture and hyper-relativism have reached epic proportions. They affect how we worship, vote, educate, form families, and even conduct our everyday businesses. Will the human person of the 2025 Jubilee be finally liberated from this intellectual and spiritual disease after 25 years of rapid progression? Does the entanglement between errant anthropologies and secular political culture now make it impossible to reverse its course?

Data: 12 mar 2024
Orario: dalle ore 14:30 alle ore 17:30
Organizzatore: Facoltà di Filosofia
Categoria: Conferenza
Aula: Aula Magna

Pontificia Università Gregoriana
Piazza della Pilotta, 4
I-00187 Roma