• Accademic Unit
    Faculty of Theology
  • Course

narrative texts from the Hebrew Old Testament.

Learning outcomes: By the course’s end students will be able to a) show mastery of the basic morphology of Biblical Hebrew; b) produce fundamental vocabulary from memory; c) identify the more important points of syntax; translate simple sentences from Biblical Hebrew to English; read Hebrew out loud with facility.

Contents: It is mandatory for all students to attend classes. Failure to attend classes will result in a student being denied the right to partake of the final assignment and receive a final grade in a course. Students who have a justified reason to miss class (illness, mourning, etc.) must communicate with their instructor: i) Preparation of homework; ii) Final Exam.

Methodology : Class meetings will consist of three weekly activities: i) Reading of simple narrative texts; ii)The review of basic grammar (phonology, morphology, and syntax) and vocabulary of biblical Hebrew; iii) and eventually translation of different passages of the Hebrew Bible with the help of a lexicon.
Means of evaluation: The final grade of the course is given according to a final exam grade (50%) and a class grade (50%). The final exam is a two-hour written exam. The class grade is given according to attendance, participation, homework preparation, and quizzes.


  • Semestre: 1° Semestre
  • ECTS: 6



Lesson schedule/Room

Semester Day From To Room Floor Building Notes
1° Semestre Venerdì 8.30 9.15 TBD 0
1° Semestre Venerdì 9.30 10.15 TBD 0
1° Semestre Venerdì 10.30 11.15 TBD 0
1° Semestre Venerdì 11.30 12.15 TBD 0


  • Lambdin, T., Introduction to Biblical Hebrew ( Upper Saddle River 1971). Elliger, K. – Rudolph, W., (eds.), Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Stuttgart 51997). Brown, F. – Driver, S. R. – Briggs, C. A., Enhanced Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament (Oxford 1977).