TL1A12  LATIN LANGUAGE, II (A.Y. 2024/2025)

  • Accademic Unit
    Faculty of Theology
  • Course
    Baccalaureate in Theology

Objectives : To complete the mastery of basic Latin morphology, syntax, and vocabulary in order to read and translate Latin and to continue to foster the importance of Latin in philosophy, liturgy, and theology.

Risultati di apprendimento: The student will be able to engage more complex Latin sentences with subordinate clauses by recognizing and identifying tense, mood, and voice. The student will be able to recognize and identify the use of the subjunctive, as well as the various uses of the different cases, in addition to new vocabulary.

Contents : Adjectival and adverbial degrees; numerals; pronouns: demonstrative, determinative, indefinite, relative, interrogative, and adjectival; the subjunctive, participle, gerund, gerundive, supine; sum compounds, deponents and semi-deponents, indirect discourse and sequence of tenses.

Methodology : Presentation of topic followed by application. Active participation in the translating of sentences from the textbook or from material provided by instructor.

Prerequisites : Having passed the Latin 1 exam or the qualifying exam to access level two.

Means of evaluation: Evaluation will be by a written examination with the use of a printed dictionary or student-generated notes.


  • Semestre: 2° Semestre
  • ECTS: 4


Christian Alberto SÁENZ
Christian Alberto SÁENZ

Lesson schedule/Room

Semester Day From To Room Floor Building Notes
2° Semestre Venerdì 15.00 15.45 TBD 0
2° Semestre Venerdì 16.00 16.45 TBD 0


  • Wheelock, F.M.—LaFleur, R.A., Wheelock’s Latin, Harper Collins, New York 20117; Lewis, C.T., An Elementary Latin Dictionary, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1963. The dictionary can be accessed online.