• Accademic Unit
    Faculty of Theology
  • Course
    Baccalaureate in Theology

Objectives: To introduce students to the study of theology by acquainting them with the nature of theological thought and familiarizing them with its structure and purpose. To foster a good understanding of theological method. To facilitate the students’ appropriation of material studied in other prescribed courses in theology. To teach students how to engage in fruitful theological research, and to familiarize students with how to access and use the theological resources and services offered by the Library. To encourage students to begin thinking theologically and to express themselves clearly, both orally and in writing.
Learning outcomes: The student will be able to: a) understand the nature of theological methodology and its role in analyzing theological texts; b) exhibit the ability to integrate material from the prescribed courses of the First Cycle; c) develop the clear expression of theological thought, both orally and in writing; d) demonstrate skills in theological inquiry by designing and carrying out a research project that utilizes the theological resources available in the Library and presents its findings in a final paper that adheres to the typographical norms of the Faculty of Theology.
Contents : I semester. The seminar will begin by asking, “What is theology?” After examining various facets and dimensions of this question, the seminar will explore the sources of theology and the relationship between theology and other disciplines. After covering key themes in theological methodology, including the basic principles of theological research and study, the seminar will then provide students with the opportunity to apply this knowledge to select questions in Christology and soteriology. II semester. The second semester will have two aspects. First, it will continue to complement the introductory courses that the students are taking in their first year of theological study by providing them with the opportunity to consider in greater detail and discuss selected theological topics related to their introductory courses. Second, the seminar will provide students with the opportunity to apply the methodological skills they learned in the first semester to a particular theological question by researching and drafting the final essay paper.
Methodology: I semester: Participative method: weekly presentation of an integrative paper on a key topic of theology based upon the assigned readings, followed by an in-class discussion of the papers facilitated by the professor. II semester: The participative method, which will continue in the second semester, will be augmented with the student’s work on the final research paper, including group discussions on research.

Means of evaluation: I semester: weekly single-page exercises and active participation in the class group discussions. II semester: weekly single-page exercises, active participation in the class group discussions, and the final paper. Participation in the Library’s user education module will also be evaluated.


  • Semestre: 1° Semestre
  • ECTS: 2



Lesson schedule/Room

Semester Day From To Room Floor Building Notes
1° Semestre Mercoledì 15.00 15.45 TBD 0
1° Semestre Mercoledì 16.00 16.45 TBD 0


  • Congar, Y., The Meaning of Tradition, Ignatius Press, San Francisco 2004; Dulles, A., The Assurance of Things Hoped For: A Theology of Christian Faith, Oxford University Press, New York 1994; Nichols, A., The Shape of Catholic Theology, T&T Clark, Edinburgh 1991; Ratzinger, J., Introduction to Christianity, Ignatius Press, San Francisco 2004; Ratzinger, J., The Nature and Mission of Theology, Ignatius Press, San Francisco 1995; Scheeben, M.J., The Mysteries of Christianity, Herder & Herder, New York 2006.