• Accademic Unit
    Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Course
    Licentiate in Leadership and Management

Objectives: The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the roles and responsibilities of leaders and managers in organisations. This course, as the foundational pillar of business and management subjects, will enable students to better understand current thinking in management and in the business world. Students will integrate the learning into pastoral settings and will be a guiding light for their subsequent management courses.

Learning Outcomes: Students are not limited to notional learning, but are accompanied in a path of acquiring appropriate skills.
The course emphasises experiential learning and self-inquiry to explore the job and role of a manager and a leader, including the managerial environment, the four major functions of management (planning, organising, leading, and controlling), decision-making, effective communications, and management ethics.

Methodology: Activities in the class are composed of lectures, case studies and group discussions.

Means of evaluation: Active and creative participation in the course and a final exam or a case analysis with a group.


  • Semestre: 1° Semestre
  • ECTS: 5


Kang-Yup Benedict JUNG
Kang-Yup Benedict JUNG

Lesson schedule/Room

Lessons schedule not available


  • Some chapters will be selected from the main textbook. Robbins, S.P. & Coulter, M.K., Management, (15th ed.), 2021, Pearson. Additional articles will be provided.