Onsite learning: commitment and wish

Onsite learning: commitment and wish

The Pontifical Gregorian University, sharing the indications of the Holy See and the Italian Government, and responding to the common desire of the university community, is [...]

Joint course on Safeguarding

Joint course on Safeguarding

For the first time, two pontifical universities - the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) - are collaborating to offer [...]

In memory - Fr. Joseph Shih, S.J.

In memory - Fr. Joseph Shih, S.J.

On the morning of Thursday, 2nd September 2021, at the Jesuit residence "San Pietro Canisio", Fr Joseph Shih S.J. returned to the house of the Father. [...]

Ordo Anni Academici 2021-2022

Ordo Anni Academici 2021-2022

The Ordo Anni Academici 2021-2022 is available for download. It contains important information concerning the structure of the University, authorities, offices, timetables, courses, enrollment and registration process, fees and [...]

La Gregoriana 58 - New Digital Edition

La Gregoriana 58 - New Digital Edition

The new issue of the information periodical La Gregoriana is now available. Starting with issue 57, the printed Italian and English editions are joined by a new edition, entirely [...]

GREGORIANUM - Third Issue 2021

GREGORIANUM - Third Issue 2021

Issue 102/3 (2021) of the magazine “Gregorianum” is available, quarterly published by the Gregorian University. Visit the Gregorianum page for the abstracts of the articles and contents [...]



Issue 110/2 (2021) of the magazine Periodica de Re Canonica is available, quarterly published by the Faculty of Canon Law of the Pontifical Gregorian University. Visit the [...]

Ignaziana - Issue 31

Ignaziana - Issue 31

Issue 31 of the theological research review Ignaziana (www.ignaziana.org) is online. Expression of the Ignatian Spirituality Centre at the Gregorian University, Ignaziana is a free six-monthly review that aims to stimulate [...]

Evaluation of courses and seminars - Second Semester

Evaluation of courses and seminars - Second Semester

In this complex and challenging phase, the Pontifical Gregorian University solicitously invites its students to participate in the evaluation of their teaching in this second semester. [...]

Opening of the Ignatian Year 2021-2022

Opening of the Ignatian Year 2021-2022

Thursday 20 May 2021 will mark the opening of the Ignatian Year, which was convoked by Fr Arturo Sosa Abascal S.J., Superior General of the Society [...]

Bellarmino and Vedovato Awards 2021

Bellarmino and Vedovato Awards 2021

The juries for the Bellarmino Award and the Vedovato Award met to assign the two prizes that the Pontifical Gregorian University gives annually to the best [...]