Installation of the cross for the Aula Magna

On 22 December 2021 a new monumental cross, commissioned from Brazilian Franciscan artist Fray Sidival Fila, was installed in the Aula Magna of the Gregorian University.

“We are delighted that the Aula Magna, the heart of so many academic activities and already completely renovated in 2014, is now completed with this cross that harmonizes with its style, sober and contemporary at the same time,” commented the Rector, Fr. Nuno da Silva Gonçalves, S.J.

Composed of some 17th century chestnut beams covered with brightly coloured polyamide threads, the large cross (260 x 137 cm) is positioned on the left side of the Aula Magna and suspended by steel cables. In this way it is visible at all times, even during video projections.

“At the beginning of next Lent”, concludes the Rector, “we will perform the rite of blessing and offer an aesthetic and  theological reading of the work of art”.







  • Sezioni: PUG