News and Press Releases

Fr. Di Luccio and Fr. Dan appointed Vice Rectors

Fr. Di Luccio and Fr. Dan appointed Vice Rectors

  In accordance with the procedure established by art. 21, §1, of the Statutes of the Pontifical Gregorian University, its Vice Grand Chancellor, Fr. Arturo Sosa S.J., [...]

Inauguration of the A.Y. 2022-2023

Inauguration of the A.Y. 2022-2023

  On the afternoon of Monday, 3 October, the Holy Mass for the Inauguration of the Academic Year 2022-2023, the 472nd since the foundation of the Roman [...]

Opening Mass A.Y. 2022-2023

Opening Mass A.Y. 2022-2023

  The Eucharist for the Inauguration of the Academic Year 2022-2023, presided by Rector Fr. Mark Lewis S.J., will be celebrated on Monday 3 October, at 4:30 [...]

YouTube UniGregoriana - 2 million views

YouTube UniGregoriana - 2 million views

  The UniGregoriana YouTube channel recently exceeded two million views. The channel is not only a valuable resource for continuing formation, but can give an idea of [...]

"America Magazine" interviews Rector Lewis

  The US Jesuit America Magazine has exclusively published the first interview with our new Rector, Fr. Mark A. Lewis, S.J. Fr. Lewis is the second North [...]

Welcome Service for new students

Welcome Service for new students

  The usual Welcome Service for new students is available in the atrium of the Central Palace. Volunteer students offer help with first level general information, support in bureaucratic [...]

Ordo Anni Academici 2022-2023

Ordo Anni Academici 2022-2023

  The Ordo Anni Academici 2022-2023 is available in digital format. It contains important information concerning the structure of the University, authorities, offices, timetables, courses, enrollment and registration process, fees and [...]

Ecumenical Studies, new Specialization in Theology

Ecumenical Studies, new Specialization in Theology

The new Licentiate in Theology with specialization in Comparative Theology of Christian Traditions - Ecumenical Studies, housed in the Department of Dogmatic Theology, aims to provide a [...]

Library and Bookshop reopened on 1 September

Library and Bookshop reopened on 1 September

After the summer break and starting from 1 September, the Library of the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Gregorian & Biblical Press Bookshop resume their service [...]

In memory - Dominic W. Maruca, S.J.

In memory - Dominic W. Maruca, S.J.

  Fr. Dominic W. Maruca S.J. passed away on Saturday, 27 August 2022. Born in Trenton (New Jersey, USA) on 15 September 1927, Fr. Maruca entered the [...]