News and Press Releases

Visit of the Evaluation Commission of AVEPRO

Visit of the Evaluation Commission of AVEPRO

The Evaluation Commission of AVEPRO (the Holy See's Agency for the Evaluation and Promotion of Quality in Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties) is visiting the Gregorian University [...]

Rector Gonçalves: intercede for peace

Rector Gonçalves: intercede for peace

On behalf of the Academic Community, Rector Nuno da Silva Gonçalves SJ renews his solidarity with the students and staff of Ukraine, expresses his closeness to [...]

In Memory - Fr. Robert Faricy, S.J.

In Memory - Fr. Robert Faricy, S.J.

On 4 March 2022 Fr Robert Faricy S.J. passed away at the age of 95, in Wauwatosa (Wisconsin, USA). P. Faricy was born in Saint Paul (Minnesota, [...]

International Conference on Moral Theology \ Registrations

International Conference on Moral Theology \ Registrations

Registration for the international conference on Moral Theology "Pastoral practices, life experience and moral theology: Amoris Laetitia between new opportunities and new paths", organized from the [...]

Lent 2022 / Initiatives and proposals

Lent 2022 / Initiatives and proposals

Lent 2022 will be accompanied by numerous initiatives to introduce us to the dynamism of Holy Easter. 1. Blessing of the Cross A special event for the entire [...]

Asking for peace, building solidarity

Asking for peace, building solidarity

In his recent Letter, Rector Nuno da Silva Gonçalves, SJ invites the University Community to join "in prayer for peace and to express our closeness to [...]

Henri De Lubac Award 2022

Henri De Lubac Award 2022

On 28 February 2022 the jury of the "Henri de Lubac" Award, organised and sponsored by the French Embassy to the Holy See, met to award [...]

GREGORIANUM - First Issue 2022

GREGORIANUM - First Issue 2022

Issue 103/1 (2022) of the magazine “Gregorianum” is available, quarterly published by the Gregorian University. Visit the Gregorianum page for the abstracts of the articles and contents [...]



Issue 110/4 (2021) of the magazine Periodica de Re Canonica is available, quarterly published by the Faculty of Canon Law of the Pontifical Gregorian University. Visit the [...]

Institution of the

Institution of the "Ghislain Lafont" Lectio

On 20 December 2021, the Pontifical Gregorian University signed an agreement with the Pontifical Athenaeum St Anselmo and the Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta (LUMSA) for [...]

Installation of the cross for the Aula Magna

Installation of the cross for the Aula Magna

On 22 December 2021 a new monumental cross, commissioned from Brazilian Franciscan artist Fray Sidival Fila, was installed in the Aula Magna of the Gregorian University. “We [...]

Ignaziana - Issue 32

Ignaziana - Issue 32

Issue 32 of the theological research review Ignaziana ( is online. Expression of the Ignatian Spirituality Centre at the Gregorian University, Ignaziana is a free six-monthly review that aims to stimulate [...]

In Memory - Fr. Marcel Chappin, S.J.

In Memory - Fr. Marcel Chappin, S.J.

Fr. Marcel Chappin S.J., professor emeritus of the Faculty of Theology, died in Rome on the night of 24 December 2021. The funeral will take place [...]