News and Press Releases

GUF 2023 Impact Report

GUF 2023 Impact Report

  The Gregorian University Foundation (GUF) is pleased to present the organization's 2023 Impact Report. The Report includes updates offered by GUF President Fr. Michael C. McFarland [...]

Ignaziana 36 / New website and new digital issue

Ignaziana 36 / New website and new digital issue

Issue 36 of Ignaziana (, research journal in the tradition of the Society of Jesus, is now online. Starting with this issue, Ignaziana also inaugurates the [...]

Ghislain Lafont Lectio 2024 / Call for papers

Ghislain Lafont Lectio 2024 / Call for papers

  On the occasion of the third edition of the "Ghislain Lafont" Lectio, doctoral students and young researchers are invited to propose speeches and reflections that make [...]

Easter of Resurrection 2024

Easter of Resurrection 2024

"Jesus, the Risen One, loves us without boundaries and visits our every life situation. He has planted his presence in the heart of the world and invites us [...]

Italian Language Intensive Courses A.Y. 2024-2025

Italian Language Intensive Courses A.Y. 2024-2025

  For the Academic Year 2023-2024 the Italian language courses will take place both at the University and online. The courses are held in collaboration with the [...]

Satisfaction Questionnaire 2023-2024

Satisfaction Questionnaire 2023-2024

  Rector Fr. Mark Lewis S.J., as President of the Academic Quality Commission, invites all members of the University community to take a few minutes to fill [...]

Henri De Lubac Award 2024

Henri De Lubac Award 2024

  On 1 March, the jury for the Henri de Lubac Award met to assign a doctoral dissertation in French and a doctoral dissertation in another language [...]

In Memory - Adam Wolanin, S.J.

In Memory - Adam Wolanin, S.J.

  In the early hours of Thursday 15 December Fr Adam Wolanin, S.J. passed away. Born in Przysietnica (Poland) on 18 July 1945, he entered the novitiate [...]

First Colloquium of the research journal

First Colloquium of the research journal "Ignaziana"

  In the current editorial horizon of Ignatian spirituality journals, research articles and in-depth studies do not find an adequate editorial space. Having reached a moment of [...]