Biblical and Semitic Rhetoric - International Congress and Learning Seminar


The International Association for the Study of Biblical and Semitic Rhetoric (RBS) proposes the IX edition of its biennial conference, to be held at the Pontifical Gregorian University from 26-28 September 2024. The speakers come from ten different countries, mostly university lecturers, but some doctoral students and independent researchers will also offer some proposals.

The conference will be opened by a lectio magistralis by Michel Cuypers, who was the first to use Semitic rhetorical analysis in the study of the composition of the Qur'an, and will be concluded by a memoir by Roland Meynet on the discovery of the methodology. The main lectures will focus on the Bible (eleven lectures) and one will address the study of the composition of the Kaddish in its different forms, but numerous others will deal with the Qur'an and texts from the pre-Islamic and Persian periods, up to the Egyptian Pharaonic period. Other lectures will deal with areas that are innovative in relation to the traditional field of RBS research, such as circular compositions and numerological principles in classical Chinese literature, or chapters 53 and 56 of the Rule of St. Benedict. Registration is open until 23 September 2024.

The Conference will be preceded by its usual three-day Biblical Rhetorical Analysis Learning Seminar (23-25 September), also at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.




  • Sezioni: PUG