Ignaziana 37 / The Spiritual Exercises. Text and audiences

Issue 36 of Ignaziana (www.ignaziana.org), research journal in the tradition of the Society of Jesus, is now online. 

Issue 37 contains articles on the text of the Spiritual Exercises and their audiences. Some of these articles, which appeared in an early form as papers in the conference series ‘Spiritual Exercises and Synodality’, are also available in video format, along with other previously unpublished content.

Ignaziana 37

PINO DI LUCCIO S.I., Introduzione

IRENE PEDRETTI, “Ad agendum strenue in posterum”. Il fondo Varia Spiritualia conservato all’Archivio Storico della PUG con un approfondimento su due testi in italiano degli Esercizi spirituali

MARTÍN MORALES S.I., La ricezione degli Esercizi Spirituali: testimonianze documentali

FRANCO IMODA S.I., Psychology and Ignatian Spirituality: Status Quaestionis

ADELSON ARAÚJO DOS SANTOS S.I., La spiritualità ignaziana nell’assemblea sinodale

Studi e ricerche

JOSÉ CARLOS COUPEAU S.I., Are we promoting the institutionalization/clericalization of Ignatian discernment?

Riflessioni e testimonianze

MARIA LUISA BERZOSA GONZÁLEZ F.I., Esercizi spirituali e sinodalità



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  • Sezioni: Ignatian Spirituality Centre PUG