Philosophical Pilgrimage in Germany



Philosophical Pilgrimage in Germany
(12-19 September 2024)


The Faculty of Philosophy offers a study trip to Germany with the possibility of credit recognition (3 ECTS) as an optional course (F01502). Enrolment expires on 30 April and is reserved for students, faculty and staff of the Pontifical Gregorian University, subject to availability once enrolment is complete.

Germany is a country with many places that are significantly connected with the history of modern and contemporary philosophy. For practical reasons, the trip is limited to the southeast of the country, to the cities of Tübingen, Heidelberg and Freiburg. We will study the contexts in which the German Idealists (Schelling, Hegel), Neo-Kantianism (Windelband, Rickert) as well as the authors central to Phenomenology (Husserl, Heidegger, Stein) and Hermeneutics (Gadamer) were present. In addition to the three cities listed, the itinerary also includes a visit to Speyer, famous for its Romanesque cathedral, and Todtnauberg in the Black Forest, Martin Heidegger's place of refuge.

Each day includes a 2-hour lecture and a visit to the various places of interest, for a total of 12 hours of lectures and 12 hours of visits. For those wishing to receive credit, the examination will take the form of a paper on one of the topics covered in the course. The trip will be accompanied by Dr Wellistony Carvalho Viana, Prof. Pavel Rebernik and Fr Johannes Stoffers SJ.


For more information and to register, please send your message to [email protected]
Fees, deadlines and payment methods are detailed in the Study Trip Presentation.






  • Sezioni: Faculty of Philosophy PUG