Cosa può un saluto?

  • Cosa può un saluto?

Cosa può un saluto?

Densità di un gesto comune

The question of what a greeting might be illuminates the often unexploded power of the fragment. The Word of God is littered with greetings, crumbs, so it seems, that contain the promise of a totality that is addressed, intercepting experiences that unite humanity. A glance, a smile and words generate the form of a newness that creates and recreates the conditions of existence, as occurs in the mystery of the incarnation proposed and summarized by the greeting to Mary and that of the risen Jesus to his disciples in the seal of peace.

Date: Nov 26, 2024
Hours: 17:30
Organizer: Alberto Hurtado Centre for Faith and Culture
Category: Conference
Room: Aula Magna

Pontificia Università Gregoriana
Piazza della Pilotta, 4
I-00187 Roma

Live streaming and video recording of the event is provided.