I Testi Sacri davanti alla Scienza odierna: La loro autorità spirituale è sorpassata, o questi avevano già previsto i tempi moderni e anche l'assolutismo della Scienza?

  • I Testi Sacri davanti alla Scienza odierna: La loro autorità spirituale è sorpassata, o questi avevano già previsto i tempi moderni e anche l

I Testi Sacri davanti alla Scienza odierna: La loro autorità spirituale è sorpassata, o questi avevano già previsto i tempi moderni e anche l'assolutismo della Scienza?

 I. The crucial conflict in today's spirituality of all peoples. II. The reassessment of the authority of sacred texts. III. The alternative to dominant science. IV. This scientific alternative revalues the heritage of the Christian faith as fully rational and restores authority to the Sacred Texts in the face of the modern world and the absolutism of Science.

I. The crucial conflict in the spirituality of all peoples today: that between the traditional authority of the Sacred Texts and Western Modernity that secularises people's lives. 
II. The reassessment of the authority of the Sacred Texts. Could the Sacred Texts foresee that Western civilisation would produce a radical anthropological transformation on humanity directed by modern Science dominating creation and society? According to Lanza del Vasto, yes: 1) Gen 3 describes a knowledge-calculus on one's neighbour, according to an egoistic logic that contrasts one's Good and Evil in the same way as the True and False of classical logic; 2) Rev 13 describes man who, in order to follow the serpent's 'You shall be gods', reaches out towards absolute infinity at the cost of being dominated by Science. III. The alternative to dominant science. In order to change modern Science, is it necessary to impose drastic limitations on it from outside, or can the alternative to dominant science be found within it? This, in fact, already exists. It is 1) the intuitionist logic of double negations and modes (in Classical Chemistry, Alternative Invariant Mechanics, Symmetries, etc.) and 2) the mathematics of potential infinity alone (in Classical Chemistry, Thermodynamics, Computer science, etc.). IV. This scientific alternative revalorises the heritage of the Christian faith as fully rational.

. 1) The logic of double negations clarifies the relationship of faith with the neighbour: the Ten Commandments; the mission of the Messiah: non-violence; the definition of the dual nature of Christ; the definition of the Trinity; as an alternative to dogmatic theology, pastoral theology for the salvation of mankind; the alternative Church as community. 2) The infinite only potential clarifies the relationship of faith with God: in order to approach Him, one must work to know oneself. With these re-orientations of faith, the sacred texts of every religion regain authority before the modern world and the absolutism of Science.

Date: Nov 20, 2023
Hours: From 17:00 To 18:30
Organizer: Gregorian Centre for Interreligious Studies
Category: Christianity and Asian religions and culture forum
Room: 007 - Frascara

Pontificia Università Gregoriana
Piazza della Pilotta, 4
I-00187 Roma

Forums will be held in-person after registration on the website. Registration remains open until 2 p.m. the previous day. Live streaming will be available at the following link: bit.ly/gregonline

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