Insieme per la libertà: le fedi abramitiche dialogano sulla dimensione antropologica e teologica

  • Insieme per la libertà: le fedi abramitiche dialogano sulla dimensione antropologica e teologica

Insieme per la libertà: le fedi abramitiche dialogano sulla dimensione antropologica e teologica

Next April 20, 4:30-6 p.m., at the Pontifical Gregorian University (Room C008), there will be a short interreligious seminar entitled: "Together for Freedom: Abrahamic Faiths Dialogue on Anthropological and Theological Dimensions."

The 90-minute discussion, followed by a few questions from the audience, will be in Italian with speakers from the Abrahamic traditions:

Judaism Marco Cassuto Morselli (Jewish-Christian Friendship Federation)
and Lisa Palmieri-Billig (AJC-American Jewish Committee)
Islam: Imam Yahya Sergio Pallavicini (Italian Religious Islamic Community)
and Cenap Aydin (Tevere Institute)
Christianity: Paolo Trianni (Faculty of Missiology - Gregorian)
and Emiliano Stornelli (Religion and Security Council)

The seminar is organized by the Acton Institute and its new Collins Center for Abrahamic Heritage with the sponsorship of the Gregorian Center for Interreligious Studies and the collaboration of a number of partners.

 It will bring together representatives from these three traditions to better define and defend the anthropological and theological foundations of human freedom.

 We believe this is an ideal gathering of leaders who seek to safeguard a sacrosanct and fundamental value for human prosperity. And it is urgent after the escalation of restrictions on human freedom in terms of religious, economic and social expression during the pandemic and with the excessive pervasiveness of state powers.

To register: 

For more information please contact: [email protected]

Date: Apr 20, 2023
Hours: From 16:30 To 18:00
Organizer: Gregorian Centre for Interreligious Studies
Category: Conference
Room: C008

Pontificia Università Gregoriana
Piazza della Pilotta, 4
I-00187 Roma

Event organized by the Acton Institute with the sponsorship of the Gregorian Center for Interreligious Studies. Registration is required through the following link: Event Registration. 

e-mail: [email protected]