Il Bibliotecario EcclesiasticoThe Abei - Association of Italian Ecclesiastical Librarians, the Department of Cultural Heritage of the Church of the Pontifical Gregorian University and the National Office for Ecclesiastical Cultural Heritage and Worship Building of the Italian Episcopal Conference promote and organize the training course "IL BIBLIOTECARIO ECCLESIASTICO".

The proposal is structured in four formative modules having as object the professional matters of interest to all those who work in various capacities within ecclesiastical libraries and religious Institutes, in the offices and structures of reference. The course is also open to those who wish to train with a view to future collaboration with ecclesiastical cultural institutions. It is intended to respond to a need for training expressed by the territory and welcomed with lively interest and spirit of service by the proposing partners.
The meetings will all be held in Rome at the Pontifical Gregorian University.
The proposal is intended to offer an all-round training opportunity but can also be attended by a single module.



Modulo 03. La biblioteca back-office

  • 27-28 November 2020

Modulo 04, La biblioteca front-office

  • 25-26 September 2020

For information and registration please contact [email protected]
Course website