Closed dissertations

Candidate A.U. Moderator Dissertation Title Defense Date Published in Published in N.
Seeanner Josef Anton Teologia Stock, Klemens Die Barmherzigkeit (eleos) im Matthäusevangelium. 7 nov 2008 Kleinhain 2009 5827
Quilatan Emilio E. Storia Ecclesiastica Tanner, Norman The Friar Hacienda Controversy inthe Philippines at the turn of the Twentieth Century - Facts and Fiction: The Case of the Augustinian Recollects Hacienda de San Juan Bautistain Imus, Cavite (1896-1906). 5 nov 2008 Roma 2008 5789
Kalathoor Varkey Tomichan Teologia Shelke, Christopher Jon Sobrino's christology and its Application to the Indian Context. 4 nov 2008 Roma 2008 5778
Gazzoli Andrea Teologia Ladaria, Luis F. Dio Padre nella riflessione teologico-trinitaria di S. Ambrogio di Milano. 3 nov 2008 Roma 2009 5872
Salman Wasim Teologia Farrugia, Mario La Wirkungsgeschichte de Hans-Georg Gadamer dans la théologie de Claude Geffre, David Tracy et Wolfhart Pannenberg 28 ott 2008 Roma 2008 5787
Perez Rojas Carlos Antonio Spiritualità González Magaña, Emilio La espiritualidad martirial diocesana. Una propuesta de espiritualidad para el sacerdote diocesano desde el testimonio y profecia de Monseñor Oscar Arnulfo Romero 21 ott 2008 Roma 2008 5775
Funes Diaz Pedro M. Teologia Ladaria, Luis F. Cristo rey de los siglos. Fuerza, Potestad y Reino de Cristo en San Hilario de Poitiers. 20 ott 2008 Roma 2008 5800
Alacsi Ervin Janos Teologia Tanner, Norman The christological thought of St. Robert Bellarmine. A selective study in light of sixteenth century christological controversies. 22 set 2008 Budapest 2009 5817
Dobos Fabian Storia e Beni Culturali della Chiesa Inglot, Marek La Diocesi di Jassy (Romania) durante l'episcopato del vescovo Domenico Jaquet, O.F.M. Conv. (1895-1903) 27 giu 2008 Jassy 2008 5781
Yacobe Olickal Paily Teologia Henn, William The ecclesial and Social Aspects of Sacramental Grace as articulated by catholic Theologians of South Asia. 26 giu 2008