Closed dissertations

Candidate A.U. Moderator Dissertation Title Defense Date Published in Published in N.
Adelabu Francis Teologia Sonnet, Jean-Pierre Say it again, "You are my sister". A Rhetorical-Functional Narrative Analysis of Gen 12,10-20; 20; 26,1-11 16 gen 2019 Roma 2019 6721
Chacón Bolaños Henry Arturo Teologia Begasse De Dhaem, Amaury Venit ut Filius. La humanidad de Cristo en los comentarios evangélicos de santo Tomás de Aquino 11 gen 2019 Roma 2019 6716
Duwai Joel Kambai Teologia Sonnet, Jean-Pierre The Assembly Around the Word (Neh 7,72b-8,18) 20 dic 2018 Roma 2019 6711
Makokha Kenneth Oduori Filosofia Finamore, Rosanna Perception, Ideas and Consciousness: Comparing Empiricist and Phenomenological Approaches 19 dic 2018 Roma 2019 6714
Mwaniki Joseph Ritho Storia e Beni Culturali della Chiesa Mikrut, Jan Mau Mau and Christian witness: churches and nationalism in Kenya, 1952-1959 10 dic 2018 Roma 2018 6707
Bevilacqua Rossella Teologia Bonanni, Sergio P. Deus factus homo voluit humiliari. studio delle volontà di Cristo nella teologia di Bonaventura da Bagnoregio 7 dic 2018 Roma 2020 6848
La Mendola Vincenzo Storia e Beni Culturali della Chiesa Lupi, Maria Il redentorista p. Francesco Pitocchi nella Roma religiosa tra fine Ottocento e inizio Novecento 22 nov 2018
Saenz Christian Alberto Storia e Beni Culturali della Chiesa Tanzarella, Sergio The legislative origins of the Christian clergy in the Roman Empire of Constantine: Rights, privileges, and exemptions for the creation of a new social status 22 nov 2018 Roma 2018 6702
Lee Jin Hyon Storia e Beni Culturali della Chiesa Corsi, Elisabetta The Journery of Astrolabium: the trasmission of a Jesuit Book on Astronomy to China and to Korea (XVI-XVIII centuries) 16 nov 2018 Roma 2018 6704
Kristanto Heribertus Dwi Filosofia Flannery, Kevin The Praiseworthy Passion of Shame. An Historical and Philosophical Elucidation of Aquinas's Thought on the Nature and Role of Shame in the Moral Life 16 nov 2018 Roma 2019 6715