Closed dissertations

Candidate A.U. Moderator Dissertation Title Defense Date Published in Published in N.
Omgba Essomba Sylvestre Dieudonné Scienze Sociali Azetsop, Jacquineau Soins de santé et niveau d'éducation maternelle dans un contexte de réduction de la mortalité infantile. Enquête socio-anthropologique du cas mère-enfant dans le district de santé de Bertoua (Cameroun) 21 giu 2018 Roma 2020 6811
Augustine Arun Teologia Corkery, James The Concept of Memory in Joseph Ratzinger as a Fundamental Key for Understanding the Faith of the Church in Christ in the Living Tradition 20 giu 2018 Roma 2018 6687
Kolle Njumbe Raphael Scienze Sociali D'Ambrosio, Rocco The Social Question of Work and Social Justice:The Case of Cameroon and the Social Engagement of the Catholic Church (1982-2017) 20 giu 2018 Roma 2018 6694
Reedy Brian Teologia Flannery, Kevin The foundation of the spiritual edifice: the role of humility in the virtue theory of Thomas Aquinas 19 giu 2018 Roma 2018 6680
Fretes Martínez Nancy Raquel Teologia Kowalczyk, Dariusz Cómo decir a los pobres que Dios los ama? Confluencia entre la teología de la liberación y la doctrina de la providencia divina. Indicios de una respuesta en clave de kénosis trinitaria 19 giu 2018 Roma 2018 6674
Cheo Gregory Ngwa Scienze Sociali Azetsop, Jacquineau Status-seeking and Corruption: the case of Cameroon civil servants 19 giu 2018 Roma 2018 6699
Henriques De Lima Nuno Alexandre Teologia Körner, Felix Creative dependence. The Japanese Understanding of "Mutually Conditioned Origination" (Engi) in a Teilhardian Perspective 18 giu 2018 Roma 2018 6682
Taibo Rubén Abel Teologia Vitali, Dario Iglesia y ministerio ordenado. Sus diferentes correlaciones antes y después del Concilio Vaticano II 18 giu 2018 Roma 2018 6672
Vojtek Jozef Spiritualità Dacok, Ján The experienced Christian Faith as a Gift for future Generations. The Contribution of Slovakia at the time of Communism and Democracy in 1948-2015 13 giu 2018 Roma 2019 6726
Zackarias Victor Sagayam Missiologia Kujur, Linus The New Evangelization: Search for Relevant Paradigms in the Church of Tamil Nadu (India) 12 giu 2018 Roma 2018 6671