Current dissertations

Candidate A.U. Moderator Subject Title Sub. N. Approved Renewed for
John, Rijo Philosophy Carvalho Viana Wellistony Can postphenomenology of Don Ihde distinguish the virtual world from the real World?: A critique of Don Ihde's human-techno-world relations 1664 3 ott 2023
John, George Sejin Theology Ficco Fabrizio "Blessed be Abraham by El Elyon". The significance of the Melchizedek Episode in the Cycle of Abraham 7020 17 gen 2024
John Mathew, Joby History and Cultural Heritage of the Church Lovison Filippo The extension of the territorial jurisdiction of the Syro-Malabar Church under an autochthonous hierarchy (1923-1955): a historical analysis of the context and the impact. 306 13 nov 2023
Jose, Ajo Theology Yáñez Humberto Miguel The Moral theological Influence in the Reformation Concept of Grace Filling Families in the Syro Malankara Catholic Church 7028 18 mar 2024
Joseph, Joshy Philosophy Rojka L’Uboš Plausibility of the pragmatic account of truth by William James in Religious Belief: Truth as a provisional aspect of validation in the process of Faith 1607 28 nov 2018 30 nov 2023 24
Joseph, Jincy Spirituality Pinto Paul Rolphy Complementing the Charism of Compassionate Love of Medical Sisters of St Joseph with the Spirituality of Contemplation in Action: Implications for Mission 588 13 mag 2022
Joseph, Sonia Elizabeth Scienze Ecclesiastiche Orientali Vergani Emidio Church as Ba(r)t Nuhra: Ecclesiology of Mar Ephrem. A Theological Analysis iofthe Symbolism of Ba(r)t Nuhra and Marganita in the Madrase of Mar Ephrem with Particular Reference to his Hymns on Pearl 29 feb 2020
Joseph, Damin Philosophy Vila-Chã João J. Nature et formation de l'homo democraticus: Education et Démocratie selon J-J Rousseau et A. de Tocqueville 1653 15 nov 2022
Joseph, Anumol Spirituality Rotundo Emmanuele Christ in the Eucharist and in the Poorest of the Poor. The Two Inseparable Dimensions of Christian Faith in the Life and Writings of Saint Teresa of Calcutta 573 26 giu 2021
Juarez Flores, Jaime Philosophy Lucas Lucas Ramón la Torsión radical como esencia del ser del hombre, en José Ortega y Gasset 1605 17 ott 2018 19 ott 2023 12
25 of 54 Total pages