Issue 105/3 (2024) of the magazine “Gregorianum” is available, quarterly published by the Gregorian University.


Lancy Monteiro, S.I., Christ: Embodiment of Trinitarian Relations and God’s Self-giving

Abstract - Attempting to propose an inclusive-pluralistic Christian theology of reli­gions, Mark Heim, a contemporary theologian of religious pluralism, defines Christ as the embodiment of Trinitarian relations. Although he would succeed as an inclusive-pluralist in explaining religions from the point of view of three distinct relations among the persons of the trinity, he would fail to be so in his description of Christ. This essay argues that his definition of Christ does not render him an inclusive-pluralist, but an inclusivist, and more specifically an Inclusive-Christocentric. In support of this argument, the essay employs the Inclusive-Christocentric Christologies of Raimundo Panikkar, Aloysius Pieris, Karl Rahner and Jacques Dupuis. Furthermore, the essay adds a short note on the core credence of Christian faith, namely ‘Christ as the God’s self-giving for the salvation of humanity’.

Keywords: Christ – Trinity – Relations – Salvation – Christology – Christocentrism – Cross – Inclusivism – Pluralism – Religions – Religious Pluralism



Neil Ormerod, Incarnation, Holy Spirit and Beatific Vision: Dominic Legge and Bernard Lonergan Compared

Abstract - In a recent work, Dominic Legge OP has proposed a form of “Spirit Chris­tology” drawn from the work of Thomas Aquinas. He seeks to develop a truly Trinitarian account of the Incarnation, including a role for the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ experience of the beatific vision. This is built on the insight of Aquinas that the divine missions of the Son and the Spirit are constituted by the in­ner Trinitarian processions together with a created external term. While the term itself is the work of the whole Trinity and efficient causality, nonetheless the term imitates the term of the procession (exemplary causality) so that we can truly say Jesus is the incarnation of the Son, and sanctifying grace is the indwelling of the Spirit. A similar proposal can be found in various works of Bernard Lonergan JS. Where they clearly differ is in relation to Jesus’s experi­ence of the beatific vision. Where Legge suggests a role for the Spirit, Loner­gan proposes a role for the Father. This article compares the two approaches, suggesting that the approach of Lonergan offers a more satisfying response to the question posed by Legge.

Keywords: Dominic Legge – Bernard Lonergan – Trinity – Incarnation Holy Spirit – beatific vision – light of glory


Henrique Mata De Vasconcelos, Maria e o charisma de Deus: esboços de uma mariologia carismática e a possibilidade de diálogo entre pentecostais e católicos

Abstract - Mary seems to have been forgotten in the Protestant tradition, especially in the Pentecostal branch. There is excessive enthusiasm regarding her in Charis­matic Catholic circles. In common, we find a need for a charismatic theology around Mary, i.e., a Charismatic Mariology. This article aims to meet this need. To that end, I will first outline how Mary and the Mariological question is present in Pentecostalism. Second, I will investigate how Mary appears in the New Testament, according to a charismatic point of view. Third, I will ex­plore the possibilities of ecumenical dialogue around this Charismatic/Pneu­matic Mariology. I will conclude that Mary appears in the New Testament as a woman filled with the Spirit, as a charismatic and a charisma of God. Moreover, this way of looking at her, as a woman who carries and who chan­nels the Spirit and the divine charis, can make a particular contribution to the Catholic charismatic movement. Furthermore, this charismatic Mariology is a prospective way to foster a pneumatic and dialectical dialogue between Pro­testants and Catholics, especially, but not only, of the charismatic branches.

Keywords: Mariology – ecumenical dialogue – grace – charismatic theology


Nunzio Capizzi, Christum habere in fundamento. Pensare teologicamente la riforma della Chiesa

Abstract - In order to think theologically about the reform of the Church today, it is appropriate to go back to the origins, i.e. to its ‘foundation’. In the revisiting of the classical question by contemporary exegesis and theology, the living foundation, the Lord Jesus, becomes relevant. The believing transmission of the memory Jesu stands at the beginning of the Church, both in the chrono­logical sense and in its continuous reproduction in space and time, thanks to the communication of the faith and the sources by which the Church lives. The continuous thinking above the Foundation enables the Church to preserve its identity, to fulfil its missionary mandate and to give prominence to Christian existence.

Keywords: Church – Foundation – Memoria Jesu – mission – reform – Tradition


Jorge Costadoat, Recepción latinoamericana de Lumen Gentium 10. Acerca de una diversa participación en el sacerdocio de Cristo

Abstract - The performance of the clergy in the Latin American and Caribbean Church after the Council is subject to criticism. According to some, the Church on the continent has not sufficiently embraced the mandate of Vatican II regarding the conception of the priestly ministry; according to others, there have even been regrettable regressions in this regard. This article takes into account the reception of LG 10, particularly the expression although they differ essentially and not only in degree (licet essentia et non gradu tantum differant), accor­ding to which baptism constitutes the fundamental substrate for the distinction of charisms and functions between laypeople and ministers, both in teaching (Magisterium and the ratio) and in Latin American theology. It should not be considered that this single text from Lumen Gentium explains the described situation. The research conducted on this matter contributes, among other ne­cessary studies, to unraveling the causes of the problem.

Keywords: Priesthood – Presbyteral ministry – Laypeople – Lumen Gen­tium 10


Paul Gilbert, S.I., La giustizia e il καιρός del perdono

Abstract - Justice and forgiveness are contradictory, if the parameters of justice are that of due reparation for an injury, but not if forgiveness is a work of love for others, even enemies. Now justice without forgiveness opens the door to revenge; and forgiveness without justice manifests a lack of consideration for the victims. How then could one articulate these two situations, which are necessarily related to each other.

The article is inspired by the Greek distinction between χρónos, aἰών and κaiρós, which clarifies the differences between pardon, prescription, amnesty and unforgiveness, highlighting the κaiρós in which forgiveness has its origi­nality. Jankelevitch and Derrida addressed the question of the imprescriptible, which pushes the issue of forgiveness to its limits. Would there not, however, be a link between gift and forgiveness?

Keywords: Derrida – forgiveness – imprescriptible – Jankelevitch – “κaiρos”


Sylvain Ponga, Une historiographie philosophique de type conséquentiel

Abstract - Since the sociological work of Max Weber, we have been witnessing a new paradigm in the treatment of the historical question, what we, along with other researchers, describe as consequential historiography. For the most part, the philosophy of history has always been a sequential type of historiography, i.e. one that follows the course of history, at the end of which a philosophical interpretation can be given, as we see with Hegel. But in this new paradigm of consequential philosophical historiography, we are now dealing with a herme­neutic of the present, based on the effects of past events.

Keywords: history – historiography – sequential – consequential – theore­tical – hermeneutics


Rossano Zas Friz De Col, S.I., Spiritualità e/o mistica: una distinzione da superare

Abstract - During the 20th century, Spiritual Theology/Christian Spirituality earned its place in the basic curriculum of theo-logical studies. It is also one of the areas of theological specialization offered in various universities and theolo­gical faculties. In parallel, during the same period, the study of mysticism has undergone considerable development in the theological and humanities fields. Are spirituality and mysticism two different disciplines, or should the latter be included in the former, as is usually the case in treatises on Christian spiri­tuality, or should mysticism retain its autonomy? To overcome this situation, the concept of ‘Christian lived experience’ (vissuto) is proposed as a notion that gathers the relationship between Christian experience and theological re­flection into a higher unity as a basis for overcoming the distinction between spirituality and mysticism.

Keywords: mysticism – spiritual theology – spirituality – lived experience – Christian life



Biblia: P. L. Atwood, Translating a Translation. An Indirect Translation Appro­ach to the Relationship of LXX-Isaiah to Peshitòta-Isaiah (M. Settembrini), 719-720; D. Candido – R. Egger-Wenzel – S.C. Reif, ed., What Makes a People? Early Jewish Ideas of Peoplehood and Their Evolving Impact (L. Mazzinghi), 721-723; J. C. Gertz, Genesis 1-11. Historical Commentary on the Old Testament (M. Settembrini), 723-725; W. E. Glenny– D. R. Lockett, ed., Canon Formation. Tracing the Role of Sub-Collections in the Biblical Canon (F. Martins), 725-726; T. Muraoka, Wisdom of Ben Sira (C. Obeid), 727-728.

Theologia: A. Grillo, ed., Senza impedimenti. Le donne e il ministero ordinato (S. Duchi), 728-730; Groupe DesDombes, “De toutes les nations...”. Pour la catholicité des Églises (W. Henn), 731-733; R. Imbelli, Christ Brings All New­ness. Essays, Reviews, and Reflections (A. Lusvardi), 733-735; E. Petrolino, La ministerialità del diacono nella liturgia. Eucaristia, diaconia e sinodalità (A. Lusvardi), 735-736.

Ius Canonicum: A. Rella Ríos, El recurso contra los decretos penales aprobados o emitidos por la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe. SST art.27 (D. G. Astigueta), 736-737; A. RellaRíos, Derecho procesal penal canónico, “Derecho Canónico” n°3 (D. G. Astigueta), 737-738; G. J. Sáez Martínez, La respuesta del Derecho canónico ante los abusos sexuales cometidos a menores por parte de clérigos en España. Propuestas de cooperación procesal entre el ordenamien­to estatal y el ordenamiento canónico (D. G. Astigueta), 738-740.

Philosophia: R. Di Ceglie, God, the Good, and the Spiritual Turn in Epistemology (L. Rojka), 740-742; M. Gilbert, Life in Groups: How We Think, Feel, and Act Together (J. Stoffers), 742-744; R. Peels, Ignorance: A Philosophical Study (J. Stoffers), 744-746; C. Tagliapietra, ed., Enrico Cantore. Umanesimo scientifico e mistero di Cristo. Raccolta di scritti (1956-2002), (L. Caruana), 746-748.

Judaica: B. Bitton-Ashkelony – M. Goodman, ed., Essays on Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity in Honour of Oded Irshai (E. Tomasini), 748-750.

Spiritualitas: A. Ivereigh, First Belong to God: On retreat with Pope Francis (A. Neumann), 751-752.



M. Chiodi – M. Yañez, ed., Pratiche pastorali, esperienza di vita e teologia morale: Amoris Laetitia tra nuove opportunità e nuovi cammini, 753-754.


