Italian Language Test

Test of the Italian language

Non-Italian mother tongue students, with the exception of guest students, enrolling in the University must undergo an Italian language test which takes place after the beginning of the first and second semester.

The level of knowledge of the Italian language required to pass the test must amount to at least level B.1, according to the European reference framework. For those who do not pass the test, the School of Organizational Languages will provide information about their shortcomings and areas to be improved.

In addition, students must attend an intensive Italian course, lasting at least 60 hours, either in the University or elsewhere, provided they are properly certified. Finally they will have to take the test again during the next round.

Failure to pass the test does not affect the validity of enrollment and enrollment in the current year, including the possibility of taking the exams of your semester of studies. For students who have enrolled starting from the second semester the above indication is valid until the first half of the following year. However, passing the test is essential for enrollment in the next academic year, for booking the final exams for the cycle and for obtaining an academic degree.

They can be exempted from the Italian test, through the appropriate form signed by the Dean who accepts the candidate:

  • Freisemester students who take courses only in native speakers;
  • extraordinary and ordinary students who have already obtained a degree in Italian from other academic institutions in Italy.

Other possible exemptions are granted only by the Academic Deputy Rector. The certificate of attendance of an Italian language course requested at the time of enrollment does not exempt you from the test. All practical information (list of names, times, classrooms, etc.), before the indicated periods will be published on the Online Student Services page.

Italian language course

The University hosts an intensive Italian language course for non-Italian mother tongue students, delivered by a partner language school, before the start of the academic year.

The certificate of attendance of the course is valid as a requested document among those to be deposited at matriculation.

Further information related to the Italian courses please visit he Language Courses section