Study Plan

Procedure to follow for the presentation of the study plan

  • Complete the study plan during the online procedure on the University website. You can include optional courses, your own, seminars and guided readings
  • Receive confirmation of your study plan including courses, seminars and guided reading on the student's self-service page.
  • If you wish to participate in a seminar and/or a guided reading of another Faculty, with the permission of the respective Deans / Deans / Directors, please contact the Secretariat of the Faculty where the seminar will be held to apply for registration.

Changes to the study plan

Any changes, authorized in advance by the Dean / Headmaster / Director, can  be made in the period indicated in the Important Deadlines through the online enrollment and registration procedure

Beyond the change period, it will be possible to add courses only after obtaining, in addition to the authorization of the Dean / Headmaster / Director, also that of the Vice Academic Rector. The student must send by email to [email protected] the form "change courses" signed and accompanied by a copy of the transfer of the relative fee, if due (see Special Fees).
The cancellation of the courses from the study plan can take place throughout the year with the signature of the Dean / Headmaster / Director who has authorized the plan of studies in the same way.

Simultaneous enrolment in a Diploma and an Academic Degree

Students, with the consent of the head of the Academic Unit to which they belong, can enrol in a Diploma program and obtain the relative qualification even if they are already enrolled in an academic degree.
In this case they will have to pay both the academic fees for the academic degree and for the Diploma program, moreover the teaching activities  for the Diploma program (courses, seminars, workshops, etc.) must be carried out in addition (and not in substitution) to those of the academic degree.

Students, if applicable and always with the consent of the Head of the Academic Unit to which they belong, may also choose to attend some of the activities offered as part of a Diploma programme in place of one or more optional courses of the programme for the academic degree.
In this case they will not have to pay the academic fee foreseen for the Diploma program, but neither will they be able to obtain the relative title.

In no case the same course/seminar/workshop can be counted twice, which means that no course/seminar/workshop can be counted simultaneously both for the achievement of a Diploma and for the calculation of an academic degree.

Other useful information

Students are required to attend lectures, seminars, exercises (see Statutes, title 7, art. 68, §2) and complete the credits that the Statutes and Regulations of each Faculty determine. Therefore the students who accumulate absences equal to one third of the lessons of a course / seminar etc. lose the right to take the exam.

The Pontifical Gregorian University allows, exclusively for ordinary and extraordinary students, the inclusion in the Study Plan of courses of the Pontifical Biblical Institute and of the Pontifical Orientale Institute with the permission of the respective Deans / Deans / Directors.

It is forbidden to use recording equipment during lessons without the explicit permission of the Professor.