Dogmatic Theology

“We know that the Son of God has come and given us the understanding to know the true God” (1 Jn 5:20). Dogmatic theology places the “hearer of the Word” in the presence of the Mystery of God in his self-revelation for us: the Father who so loved man, created in his “likeness” (Gen 1:26) but wounded by sin, that He sent into the world His Son, the Saviour, born of Mary, and “poured out His Spirit on all flesh” (Acts 2:17), to “gather into the unity” of the Church, “the universal sacrament of salvation” (LG 48; GS 45), “the children of God who were scattered” (Jn 11:52) and, regenerated by His grace through the sacramental economy, so to bring them back to Him in the “new Jerusalem” (Rev 21:2).

The Department of Dogmatic Theology, within the Faculty of Theology, aims to deepen the Mystery revealed in its various aspects (Trinitarian-Christological, ecclesiological-sacramental and anthropological-eschatological) and in its implications.

The Department offers two streams of licentiate studies (II cycle) and a doctorate in Dogmatic Theology (III cycle).