

The Faculty of Theology of the Gregorian has a worldwide reputation, offering a complete theological academic program organized in three cycles corresponding to the three academic degrees granted at the end of each path: Baccalaureate, Licentiate, Doctorate. 

1.         The First Cycle (three years leading to the baccalaureate) grants a solid theological formation based on the organic presentation of revelation in its essential characteristics.

2.         The Second Cycle (two years leading to the licentiate) expands on the knowledge already acquired through specialized courses of study offered in five departments: Biblical Theology, Comparative Theology and Ecumenical Studies, Dogmatic Theology, Fundamental Theology, Moral Theology, Patristic Theology and Tradition of the Fathers, Spiritual Theology, Missiology.

3.The Third cycle (individual duration) features specialized research studies leading to the award of a doctoral degree.



The long history of the Faculty of Theology began on February 23, 1551, when St. Ignatius of Loyola inaugurated the Roman College. The first class was held on October 28, 1553, under the expert direction of Fr. Jerónimo Nadal. Thus, took shape the forward-looking project that would provide candidates to the priesthood with a solid philosophical and theological formation in a spirit of great commitment to the Lord and His Church.

After the confiscation of the original building in 1873, academic activity continued under the name of Pontifical Gregorian University. The new seat was first the Borromeo Palace (today's Bellarmino College), before moving (in 1930) to the present building in Piazza della Pilotta.

In those years the Gregorian University and the Faculty of Theology, underwent a significant development which led to a progressively increasing number of teachers and students from different nations of the five continents.

In response to the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), the Faculty of Theology undertook a thorough revision of its academic offerings, resulting in a process of a constant renewal to meet the questions and demands of contemporary society and of the student body, which has included, in addition to seminarians and priests, a growing number of lay women and men. In so doing it has fulfilled the requirements of the regulations issued by the competent authorities, up to the implementation of the current Study Program of the Faculty in accordance with the Apostolic Constitution Veritatis Gaudium of Pope Francis (2017).

Starting from academic year 2024-2025, the academic offerings of the Institute of Spirituality and the Faculty of Missiology were integrated into the Faculty of Theology