

Objectives: Deepening the introductory themes of the nature, structure and task of theology, developing the capacity for assimilative study and creative research, and learning to write a basic scientific Paper by learning Gregorian typographic norms.

Learning outcomes: The students are expected to acquire three-fold final outcome: a) Capacity to understand and analyze critically some fundamental theological concepts: b) Effective use of appropriate study and research terminology and methodology; c) Comprehensive analysis of ethical impacts and implications of study and research findings

Contents: Introduction to a scientific and systematic study and research of “What is Theology” I Semester: A panoramic view of the foundations and main contents of Theology, an introduction to theological research and guide to write a theological paper, and an introduction to theological sources. II Semester: Three pillars of theology – Sacred Scripture, Apostolic Traditions, and Magisterium, presentation and analysis of different branches of Theology – Dogmatic, Fundamental, Biblical, Moral, Patristic and Theology of Creation

Methodology : Participative Method: Weekly presentation of some key concepts of theology derived from the assigned readings with subsequent guided discussion and explanation.

Means of evaluation : A weekly integrative paper on the Online Forum for each semester; attendance and participation in debates; and, as a final assessment, a short paper at the end of the Second Semester


  • Semestre: 2° Semestre
  • ECTS: 4



Orario lezioni/Aula

Semestre Giorno Dalle Alle Aula Piano Palazzo Note
2° Semestre Lunedì 15.00 15.45 TBD 0
2° Semestre Lunedì 16.00 16.45 TBD 0


  • Dulles, A., Assurance of Things Hoped for: A Theology of Christian Faith, Oxford University Press, New York 1994; Mansini, G., Fundamental Theology, The Catholic University of America Press, Washington D.C. 2018; Migliore, D.L., Faith Seeking Understanding, Eardmans, Cambridge 2004; Ratzinger, J., Principles of Catholic Theology: Building Stones for a Fundamental Theology, Ignatius Press, San Francisco 1989; Towey, A ., An Introduction to Christian Theology: Biblical, Classical, Contemporary, Bloomsbury, London 2013.