
TL1A11  LATIN LANGUAGE, I (A.A. 2024/2025)

Objectives : To be able to analyze and understand simple sentences in an ecclesiastical context.

Learning outcomes: The student will be able to approach simple Latin sentences through a) a basic knowledge of pertinent vocabulary; b) correct identification of syntactical structures; c) accurate translation into English. The student will also learn how to correctly use a Latin dictionary in both print and electronic formats.
Contents : Essential elements of syntax. Nominal morphology: the five declensions and the two classes of adjectives; pronouns (personal and possessive). Verbal morphology: the indicative, active and passive, and imperative of the four conjugations and the verb sum. The present infinitive, active and passive, of the four conjugations and of the verb sum. Lexicon: learning the basic vocabulary necessary for the general comprehension of a text of low difficulty in the biblical, theological or liturgical field.

Methodology : Presentation of topic followed by application. Active participation in the translating of sentences from the textbook or from material provided by instructor.

Means of evaluation: Evaluation will be by a written examination with the use of a printed dictionary or student-generated notes.


  • Semestre: 1° Semestre
  • ECTS: 4


Christian Alberto SÁENZ
Christian Alberto SÁENZ

Orario lezioni/Aula

Semestre Giorno Dalle Alle Aula Piano Palazzo Note
1° Semestre Venerdì 15.00 15.45 C009 0 Centrale
1° Semestre Venerdì 16.00 16.45 C009 0 Centrale


  • Wheelock, F.M.—LaFleur, R.A., Wheelock’s Latin, Harper Collins, New York 20117; Lewis, C.T., An Elementary Latin Dictionary, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1963. The dictionary can be accessed online.