Dissertazioni concluse

Dottorando U.A. Moderatore Titolo Dissertazione Data Difesa Pubblicata in Pubblicata nel N.
Simorangkir Hieronymus Filosofia Huber, Carlo Man comprehended functionally in his cultural activity according to Ernst Cassirer. 2 giu 1992 Roma 1998 4482
Zsifkovics Ägidius Diritto Canonico Erdö, Péter Die Diozesangesetzgebung der Diozese Eisenstadt. Eine Rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchung. 2 mag 1992 Roma 2020 6840
Mc Michael Steven J. Teologia Dupuis, Jacques De mente Alphonsi de Espina, ofm(1495), in Iudaeos 23 mar 1992 4051
Healy Timothy K. Teologia Fucek, Ivan Hope and Action an Interdisciplinary Study of the Role of Hope in Moral Motivation. 29 feb 1992 Roma 1992 3810
Dasse Thierry Filosofia Huber, Carlo La philosophie de Xavier Zubiri (1898-1983). Son rapport critique à la phenomenologie 20 gen 1992 Roma 1995 4186
Martinez Morales Victor M. Teologia Rosato, Philip J. Acceso a una lectura etico-social del mistero eucaristico en la teología post-conciliar. 19 dic 1991 Roma 1992 3795
Cuamatzi Montiel Agustin F. Teologia Caba, José Hará, Haírein. estudio exegético-teológico del recorrido temático "Alegria" en el "corpus johanneum". 7 dic 1991 Roma 1999 4610
Connolly Hugh G. Teologia Fucek, Ivan The Challenge of the Irish Penitentials and their Theological Significance for the Sacrement of Penance today 19 nov 1991 3787
Scicluna Charles J. Diritto Canonico Navarrete, Urbano The essential definition of marriage according to the 1917 and 1983 Codes of Canon Law. An Exegetical and Comparative Study. 31 mag 1991 Roma 1992 2859
Maffeis Angelo Teologia Vercruysse, Jos E. De Ecclesiae apostolicitate et misterio in oecumenicis conversationibus inter catholicos et lutheranos habitis. 20 apr 1991