Faculty of Missiology

Starting from the academic year 2024/2025, the Faculty of Missiology will be merged, ad experimentum with the Faculty of Theology

This does not mean an interruption of the programs of studies and the activities of the Faculty of Missiology: it will be both a continuation in another form and an opportunity for further development and renewal.

The purpose of this project is to seize the opportunity to build an innovative and updated theology and missiology according to the needs of today's Church and society, for the sake of the formation of the students. In fact, the option to strengthen the implementation of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity among various faculties, stems from a response to Pope Francis' desire expressed in the Constitution "Veritatis Gaudium" where the word "collaborate" recurs no less than 19 times.

Students currently enrolled in the Faculty of Missiology will be able to continue their academic journey already begun, earning their degree, according to the previously established norms.

New applicants to Missiology who will matriculate starting next September will be able to submit their online application to the Faculty of Theology and earn a degree in Theology with a specialization in Missiology.

Presentation of the Faculty

Welcome message and presentation by Fr. Bryan Lobo SJ, Dean of the Faculty of Missiology

The Faculty of Missiology of the Pontifical Gregorian University trains lay people, priests and religious who wish to offer missionary and evangelization services all over the world and who want to deepen themes related to the Christian mission. The training is aimed at qualifying students, teachers and experts in the field of missiology for various academic institutes in the world and for the respective particular Churches or the religious Institutes they belong to.

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