• Accademic Unit
    Faculty of Philosphy
  • Course
    Licentiate in Philosophy , Licenza in Filosofia con specializzazione in Filosofia pratica, Licenza in Filosofia con specializzazione in Filosofia teoretica, Licenza in Filosofia con specializzazione in Filosofia della religione

Obiettivi: In this seminar the student will become familiar with the 20th century personalist philosopher John Macmurruay’s most important work, Persons in Relation, the second volume of his Gifford Lecturs of 1957. The objective will be to understand Macmurray’s philosophical personalism and its implications for understanding human persons within a personal universe open to the personal reality of God.

Risultati di apprendimento: In this seminar the student will come to appreciate human relationships as personal communication in which the emphasis is not on me as a subject in relation to the other as my object but rather in the realization that I am a person in interaction which you as my personal other. And how this realization changes my perspective on myself, others, and the world.

Contenuti: In Persons in Relation, Macmurray offers a complete philosophical anthropology centered on the human person within a community of human persons. In this work Macmurray moves beyond a Cartesian understanding of the human being as an individual subject related to other human beings as his or her objects as well a Hegelian conception of the human being within a community understood in organic terms to the human being as essentially with other human beings in a community of friendship. Macmurray’s philosophy can be understood as a pragmatic personalism, in which all knowledge is for the sake of action and action for the sake of friendship.

Metodologia: The methodology will be that of a seminar. The students will be required to read individual chapters of Persons in Relation for each seminar session and be able to discuss the material. Each student will be required to lead one seminar session, Leading a seminar will require of the student to prepare a two page summary of the individual chapter and three or four discussion questions for the class. The student will then lead the discussion. Besides participating in the seminar and leading a seminar, the student will write an eight page paper on some aspect of Persons in Relation which especially interests the student with the approval of the professor.

Modalità di valutazione: The student will be evaluated on the quality of his or her participation in the seminar (including leading the discussion) and the final eight page paper.


  • Semestre: 2° Semestre
  • ECTS: 4


Thomas Paul SHERMAN
Thomas Paul SHERMAN

Lesson schedule/Room

Semester Day From To Room Floor Building Notes
2° Semestre Lunedì 10.30 11.15 TBD 0
2° Semestre Lunedì 11.30 12.15 TBD 0


  • J. MACMURRAY, Persons in Relation. Humanities Press, 1998, Self as Agent, Faber and Faber, London, 1969; J. MACMURRAY :Critical Perpectives. Ed. David Fergusson and Nigel Dower, NY, Peter Lang, 2000.