
JP2G23  LATIN LANGUAGE, I (A.A. 2024/2025)

Objective: The course features continuous review of the grammatical principles of Latin language and expansion of vocabulary. Reading comprehension of Ecclesiastical Latin texts.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, students should be able to recognize the elements of morphology and know the basics of syntax, translating relatively simple Latin texts of Canon Law.

Content: This annual course is an Introduction to the Elements of Latin Morphology, both regular and irregular (Nouns: Substantives, Adjectives, Pronouns; Verbs: Finite Forms, Infinitives, Participles, Gerunds and Gerundives), and of Latin Syntax (Cases’ System, Law of Agreement, Compound and complex Sentences, Periphrastic Conjugations, Uses of Participles), with emphasis on the close reading, translation, study and discussion of Ecclesiastical Latin texts, and attention to their characteristic language, syntax and style.

Methodology: Ordered and progressive presentation of grammar topics; practical application of the theory learned through tests and guided exercises; correction of personal documents; constant review of the topics presented; involvement of students during the lessons in the form of questions and answers.

Learning Assessment and Evaluation: The grammatical knowledge, language skills and translation skills acquired will be constantly monitored and assessed throughout the year, then evaluated in the only final exam in the form of a written test. The candidate shall demonstrate that he/she has understood the subject studied and that he/she is able to translate the proposed text.


  • Semestre: Annuale
  • ECTS: 9



Orario lezioni/Aula

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  • J.F. COLLINS, A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin (Units 1 to 24), Washington (DC) 1991.